Sunday, November 27, 2011


drag here
click there
push the button once
and twice.
history is deleted
and it's a part of
me i used to Respect.
but no more
no more.
because as i read
i see more than i want
to see.
i told you once
and i'll tell you again
i never, never, never measure up.
think what you
but the past
is a stitch-work of
scars, and no matter
how hard you try
to justify what
they look like from far
off, they're
still red and swollen.
tender and bruised
a type of skin
only made
to cover a broken
i can't tell you
how many times
i've tried to paint
it over.
tried to seal it up.
tried to cover it with
a beautiful scarf or
make it tell
a different story.
if i play my cards right
you'll read the picture
and you'll tell me my
past and i can
what you think of me.
then all these scars
will mean what
i want you to think they mean.
all the questions can
and all the hopes will look real.
and every time i ask
you who i am, i'll hear my truth.
condemning me.
restraining me.
pleading with me
to open these boxes
and let Him clean my wounds.
let Him heal. wipe away the
truth-picture that covers
the real-scars
and hand to Him my tired-heart,
wait to feel His true-love.
And be Myself again.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


standing alone
on the edge of the water
in the middle of the dark
on top of the moss and
under the stars.
There's a cancerous stone
growing in my chest
displacing my organs
making my heart
stretch and tear.
tight, it unfolds
and everything is tight.
it eats and everything is empty.
it rises and forces my
eyebrows together.
tears to form.
breathing to pain me.
it's heavy and it's hard and
i can't drop it or break it
or even allow it to pass.
my eyes are screwed shut
and my mouth does its best
not to open.
something is coming to save
me. someone is on their way.

hand, outstretched.
open and waiting.

i can hear you running
but i've heard that before
and i always just end up alone,
hands cold, eyes red and crusty, stars still shining.

this is the conquest you're called to.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


i had it.
i had it in my hand,
folded between my fingers.
lending me strength,

our left hands, both
with rings.

there is orange on the walls.
dark orange, like it
got burnt.
the blanket on your lap
is soft.
probably one of those
microfiber deals you get at target
or walmart
in a bundle with a strap
around it.
my feet have pale cream colored
soft wool socks on them.
my sweats brush up against
long-unshaven legs.
we drink lukewarm-because-we-let-it-sit-too-long tea.

this all
feels natural.
feels welcome.
warm and safe.
i know where i am.

i am home.